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Brian Base says #PeoplesConvoy begins Feb 23rd from Barstow area, CA
I am in Dallas, so would like to show my support locally. The original plan may've been for the convoy to come through TX, but... View More
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Genki Feral
never mind. an admin said the date was moved to march 1st again. not sure who to believe. I give up. I am rooted for the truckers and for freedom, but from a distance. i can do my own armchair-warrior thang.
How possible is this #texit movement? Any chance TX can seceed? i'd like it to, but only if a few other states joined it. On its own, it won't be strong enough to withstand Mexico and the USA - bot... View More
Yes, there is a path, and there are 7 other states that have also expressed interest...Louisiana being one of them
I don't see a very likely chance but there are a few things to consider. Texas is the only state on its own power grid. We have some of the higher capacity ports in the country. As far as engineering, manufacturing, farming, husbandry, and chemical production we hold our own with the best of them. T... View More
accidentally posted this in a group. oops.
I am a Libertarian - mostly. I lost my house and 15 acres in rural GA where I lived and gardened and foraged for mushrooms for 23 years. I owned it free and ... View More
Sounds like you would fit well in New Mexico, Get yourself an Earth House
Come out to Texas! Lots of land, only 30million people and the state can handle 300 million by itself!
Stay away from me in Michigan. It has taken a nosedive. I stopped working in the big cities like Detroit. I always say God doesn’t live in a town by Detroit called Hamtramck. Horrible violent crime rate. I’m trying to retreat to northern Michigan. If your not a liberal here they will try to make you... View More
Moving to Austin and should be there by Sunday night. Gave away more crap and still worry about fitting all of my belongings into my small old Honda. Longgggggg drive.Hoping to work in a clerical position in a tech co., save money to buy land and a tiny house in Hill Country. Not sure *where* in Hi... View More
Decentralizing can help us get out of the grasp of #BigTech. ISPs will be the next problem to tackle. #Brave #browser can help us #decentralize. View More
How to Use IPFS With the Brave Browser
With the latest desktop browser update (v1.19), Brave is the first browser to offer a native IPFS integration, enabling users to seamlessly browse the decent...
I am looking for your privacy policy and don't recall what was required to sign up. Did I hav to verify with a phone number? If so, did it accept a VOip? Also, do you use AWS/Amazon servers? I am on... View More
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Please use as many alternatives to BigTech monopolies as you can. You can be an armchair-warrior by voting with your time, attention, acceptance or approval, and money. This is a mild form of civil ... View More
Kung Fu Panda (2008)
Noodle-loving panda Po must summon all his courage to study amongst the legendary Furious Five and become the ultimate Dragon Warrior.
It was on that link, but disappeared. Fox is hardly a tiny co. and it is best to use smaller companies, not BigBiz. But, I think using as many alternatives to Youtube is best.
Nancy, I am beyond confused. is really Youtube or is it something like Freetube, NewPipe, or Yuotube-dl that allows me to watch Youtube without being tracked? But, I am pretty sure it actually *was* Youtube - everything was the same and those others I mentioned don't do that.
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My understanding is that when HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE was in short supply Iit is a hard to come by trpical plant from what I recall), BERBERINE was used. Berberine is far easier to come by and I think you... View More
2021 Housing Crash Response to MeetKevin
Click this link get a free copy of the notes that accompany this video: Learn more about Ken McElroy and sign up f...
How is the housing market in Texas? I just read that a few SE states will have a housing crisis making rentals more expensive and harder to find.
I like in Central Texas and housing is considered hot here but suburbs around have better pricing
I think it depends on the "bracket" you go after and the location. So a new executive style house in a new master planned community will be a better deal than a tract house that's mass built at half the price. There's less people looking for those larger and more expensive plots.