Keep America Open
How many are sick of the nonsense of the last 14 months???
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Texas jarhead
What concerns me are the number of SHEEPLE in this country....I had no idea...It is actually scary!

Steve Blu
Candace Owens: I Warned You a Year Ago Dems Were Using COVID to Seize ‘Totalitarian Control’
“I either had a crystal ball or this was all common sense,” conservative commentator and BLEXIT Leader Candace Owens says, recalling how she’s spent the last year warning about how Democrats are
New York and LA most forced closures and yet
'We’re going to be New York': L.A. hospitals brace for the worst
Doctors are preparing to ration care as COVID-19 patients overwhelm healthcare systems.
Today, the electoral college votes will be sealed and sent by special carrier to Washington where they will remain sealed until January 6th when the House and Senate will come into a joint session to ... View More
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🚨🚨 Urgent listen. ER Physician warns the public that the bait & switch is coming. 🚨🚨
🚨🚨 Urgent listen. ER Physician warns the public that the bait & switch is coming. 🚨🚨
She can't spell "hipokrite" but she is one
https://townhall.com/tipsheet/juliorosas/2020/11/13/lori-lightfoot-defends-partying-in-the-street-for-joe-biden-but-calling-for-canceling-thanksgiving-n25800... View More
Lori Lightfoot Defends Attending Joe Biden Street Parties But Calling for Canceling Thanksgiving
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) defended her call for city residents to cancel "traditional" Thanksgiving plans on Friday less than a week after she was seen joining the crowded street
"Who built the cages" turned into Biden promising to give citizenship (aka buying votes) to 11 million undocumented workers.
Joe Biden wants to give 11 million undocumented workers citizenship
Talk about buying votes with citizenship.
WOW. Joe Biden is the single worst candidate that's been nominated by a major political party.
I have long believed that Corona is an act of war by the Chinese toward the world but specifically the US. Give this a read:
'https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/11/wed_planned_to_live_here_our_... View More
Cuomo Will Have to Pry the Turkey Leg From My Cold, Dead Hands
Democrats are waging a war on Thanksgiving from border to border, coast to coast.Governors and mayors have announced bans on family gatherings – telling people who they can and cannot
They're not putting up with this in the EU either. Good for them.
Anti-lockdown protests in Europe as COVID cases hit new records | Pictures | Reuters
A person rides a bicycle in front of a fire during a protest against the closure of bars and gyms, in Barcelona, Spain, October 30. REUTERS/Nacho Doce
Human Freedom Video.
This Is One of the Greatest Videos on Power of Human Freedom I've Ever Seen
I'm not sure the benefits of human freedom have ever been so eloquently explained as Milton Friedman in this video.
California lockdown declared unconstitutional.
BREAKING: Gavin Newsom's Abuse of Power Declared Unconstitutional; Permanent Injunction Issued
Gavin Newsom got Whitmered, and not a moment too soon.
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Wow, Joe's lost it again.
JOE BIDEN: ‘I’m Finnegan Biden’s Grandmom… Uh, That’s Her Grandmom… I’m Grandpop!” | Sean Hannity
Former Vice President Joe Biden continued his gaffe-filled campaign over the weekend; telling supporters in Philadelphia he’s “Finnegan Biden’s...
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Wow, the AG in PA just said that if all the votes are counted then Biden would win. This is crazy that an AG would say this. How does he know?
"If all the votes are added up in PA, Trump is going t... View More
Here's the link. https://twitter.com/Fly_Pence_Air/status/1323342658761334787
How can that guy know what the will of the people is going to be?
Not fact-checking Joe Biden's fracking claims shows their massive 50 megaton bias.
CNN's Tapper called out for failing to fact-check Biden campaign's fracking claim
CNN anchor Jake Tapper was criticized Sunday after he stayed quiet as Biden campaign senior adviser Anita Dunn claimed that all fact-checkers agree the Democratic presidential nominee is telling th
It's true! Joe Biden and Barak Obama built the cages.
Obama & Biden Built the Cages that House Children
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El Paso, Texas gets a stay at home order and curfew, starting tonight!
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