William PalmerWP
William Palmer
A huge volume of prominent CEO's resigned today. Too many to be isolated cases, so the real question is why. The is a common denominator.
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Joe Thibodeau Sr
My 2 cents: Let's say that all CEO's that resigned were in on some sick, illegal, and/or immoral, actions. The bad thing for the rest of us is that they got away with their crimes because they are above the law. Our laws do not apply to them. All the CEO's quietly step down taking their golden pa... View More
William PalmerWP
William Palmer
Speculation is that they will be revealed in the Epstein case as child sex predators. Seems that is why the Gates divorce already happened. Now many more.
Jeff Bezos is going to step down at CEO of Amazon. Wow, didn't see that coming.
Jeff Bezos to step down as Amazon CEO, Andy Jassy to take over in Q3
Jassy joined Amazon in 1997 and has led Amazon's Web Services cloud team since its inception.
Jeff Bezos is soon to be a space astronaut on his first rocket flight. Time for Karma to take over.
"Community Standards". This dumb Jew Zuckerberg has no idea that he is resurrecting the evil of the Nazis and Communists.
I just got off 30 day suspension for sharing a post by Fox news regarding Fauci. I sure am glad FB is FREE!
Oh, what are they going after Elon Musk about? Biden is just unreal.
@amuse on Twitter
Biden administration claims that @elonmusk launched his rocket despite being prohibited from launching by the FAA.
https://t.co/8rk9ACtSkA https://t.co/ZV5aSf4hd9
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Just a reminder that I'm 1-week into a lifetime ban of using #Amazon in my home. #BoycottAmazon.
I refused to use them until 6 months ago. When I heard about them banning some one over politics, I banned them back. And Reddit, and Spotify, and PayPal and pinterest. I will have a hard time banning Youtube, but that is coming slowly. I am working on alternatives, testing them out, signing up, ... View More
Genki Feral was it going on that long ago? I wasn't aware of that happening back then.
@patrick Cloward - I like Rumble too, I wish they made it easier to embed videos into a site like this one.
Haha, shoes on the other foot. Lol.
Citing 'censorship' concerns, North Idaho internet provider blocks Facebook, Twitter
The actions of Your T1 WIFI, which provides internet services to North Idaho and the Spokane area, could violate Washington state's Net Neutrality law.
ROLL CALL. Who's been kicked off or told to be quiet on social media?
I got another 30-day ban on Facebook today and a 12-hour ban on Twitter yesterday for saying that transgenderism is a mental disorder.
facebook has given me warning but nothing else thus far. really crazy.
I get posts deleted or fact checked constantly. Had warnings but not banned
More nonsense from Twitter. My pillow ceo was removed from Twitter.
Did you know that Twitter's investors were trying to get rid of him a few months ago? Wow.
Twitter CEO’s weak argument why investors shouldn’t fire him – TechCrunch
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey might not spend six months a year in Africa, claims the real product development is under the hood and gives an excuse for deleting Vine before it could become TikTok. Today he
that would be one of the funniest things of all time if they kicked him out of Twitter. hahaha
Facebook isn't doing that well either. :-)
Facebook sees $34 billion erased from market cap as Trump-ban fallout continues to spook tech investors
Nick Wass/Associated Press Facebook tumbled as much as 4.5% on Monday as the company's indefinite ban of President Trump continued to drive in...
They dropped a lot didn't they. I think their long-term outlook is getting dimmer and dimmer by the month.
Facebook has now blocked RON PAUL from his own page because he criticized Big Tech for suspending President Trump. WOW.
https://fee.org/articles/facebook-suspends-ron-paul-followi... View More
Facebook Suspends Ron Paul Following Column Criticizing Big Tech Censorship | Jon Miltimore
How did we go from banning Alex Jones to Ron Paul in the space of two years? The answer is not hard to find.
that pissed me off. but, maybe Ron Paul shuldn't have been using FB anyway. John Stossel uses LBRY, at least as back up for his videos.
#Parler CEO John Matze has been getting death threats. Really, what did he do that was wrong?
Parler CEO on 'shocking' restrictions by Amazon, Apple and Google: 'You just never think it will happen'
Parler CEO John Matze told "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Monday he and his colleagues had theorized that Amazon Web Services or one of the social media company's other necessary vendors co
Plus Parler was at nearly 20 million users at this point. That's impressive.
I think Parler was likely a 'honeypot, a sweet enticing trap offered as a lure. They asked me to verify with a phone number, so I tried two different VOip phone numbers from 2 different companies and neither were accepted. In fact, I got a message that told me I needed a real phone number. Signal... View More
GoDaddy took down AR15.com yesterday.
AR15.COM on Twitter
ARFCOM Is Down. We've been booted from GoDaddy and are looking for an alternative solution.
The site will return athttps://www.ar15-backup.com
Standby for more information
The biggest threat i.m.o. is Amazon with all of the AWS servers they own. So many sites use their servers.
Jon got it.
It’s rare for a public company to expand this far in the realm of heinous behavior, but Twitter’s actions last week repelled me more than Union Carbide’s Bhopal, Boeing’s repeated failures with the 787 Max, the J&J’s Tylenol scandal and really every other corporate action I’ve seen in m... View More
Many of us are tired of big Tech and the lefts propaganda programs.. The War is here, Its how Conservatives, Patriots etc take action, that will decide the end results for many years to come..
I was against a revolution *now* until I saw how BigTech handled this and now I am second-guessing myself. There are riots against the second covid-19 shut downs in Italy, Spain, and Denmark, so maybe the timing is right. Last year, a video from France came out where many French people repeatedly ... View More
Amazon's lawyers fire back at Parler. It's getting heated!
Amazon Rips Parler Lawsuit, Calling Company “Unable Or Unwilling” To Police Its Site – Update
Amazon has responded to a Parler's federal lawsuit against it for yanking support of its website, a move that the service could "kill" its business.
One man's "police" is another man's "bully." In the sense of FB and the KGB, not our local boys in blue.
Well stated by Senator Rand Paul.
Senator Rand Paul on Twitter
Facebook now considers advocating for liberty to be sedition. Where will it end? https://t.co/Ws6pBq923N
Ron Paul on Big Tech.
The Big Tech Massacre: Is There A Silver Lining?
Big Tech has taken radical action over the past few days to cancel and de-platform thousands of social media users, including President Trump himself. Free s...
Ron Paul? Ron Paul??? You're joking. That's one of the most absurd things I've ever seen.
Who's fed up with the #BigTech #TechTyrants?