Im a firm supporter of the 2nd Amendment because we would not have the other rights if we didn’t hav... View More
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If you want to know what tyranny looks like, just look to the Great White North. WTH lets them think they can freeze DONATIONS?!? Thats pure BS. Everyone who was responsible for this needs to, at a mi... View More
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Trey brown
This complete bull shit.
Hey fellow Texans, Im stumped when it comes to the upcoming primary. I like West, Huffines and Prather. Was just wondering who y’all are looking at.
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So what is going to be done about this????? Just another free pass?????
Hopefully not. We just need the right people in the right places. Remember: there’s no statute of limitations on murder. It may not happen this year, next year, or even 2024, but if the right people get elected & appointed, charges can still be filed down the road
Trudeau is as spineless as Brandon #fjb #ftrudeau #scamdemic View More
As Brigade of Trucks Reaches Canada's Capitol, Spineless PM Trudeau Hides in "Covid Isolation" Despite 2 Negative Tests and Guidelines Saying Fully Vaxxed "Don't Need to Isolate"
Ol’ blackface Trudeau is taking a page straight out of Biden’s playbook. The tyrannical Canadian PM is currently holed up in his basement as tens of thousands of trucks and countless others begin
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Hey fellow Texans, here’s a good replacement for the RINO Dan Crenshaw
Jameson Ellis for U.S. Congress
Vote Jameson Ellis for Congress and join the fight today to Restore Liberty, Refund The Police, and Make America AMERICA Again.
Here’s a good replacement for the RINO Dan Crenshaw
Jameson Ellis for U.S. Congress
Vote Jameson Ellis for Congress and join the fight today to Restore Liberty, Refund The Police, and Make America AMERICA Again.
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BREAKING: Supreme Court Strikes Massive Blow Against Biden’s Employer Mandate View More
I SO cant wait to hear the REAL number of people who died FROM the virus. Out of the 836k, Im betting no more than 67k actually died FROM the virus. No matter what the actual number is, it will not be... View More
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They know going into this project that it will be viewed with political lenses from all sides, so they're going to slant it towards whatever keeps the money rolling and, and whatever keeps them out of federal supermax.
I'm going to follow him though.
Yes they are. I wonder how long the MSM is gonna avoid putting a cause of death in articles written about people who died after getting a jab or a booster. Sooner or later everyone with any common sense is gonna see the truth for themselves: the jab is worse than the virus
You know how to tell that the jab had something to do with someones death? The media will NOT LIST A CAUSE. Its not 2020 anymore. Nope, back then every death was a Covid death until proven otherwise. ... View More
Bob Saget Tells Fan He Just Got Booster Shot on Dec 13, 2021
On December 13,2021 Bob Saget Told A Fan During His Podcast: “I went to the pharmacy the other day and I got my booster shot”
The liberal media claims that they don’t know what these athletes are collapsing from….BULL💩!!! If they had died FROM Covid (not WITH, FROM), they would over-emphasize it to keep that fear-mongering g... View More
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Athletes are known to be in great condition. Even when they retire from sports, many stay in good shape through diet and exercise. Its just not normal for so many to be having this many cardiac proble... View More
326 Athlete cardiac arrests, serious issues, 183 dead, after COVID shot
326 Athlete cardiac arrests, serious issues, 183 dead, after COVID shot
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From the introduction of the vaccine, I refused to get it because to me it was developed way too quickly, which I still find highly suspicious. So then I see THIS….
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It’s not a vaccine, according to its own patient it is gene therapy. It’s not approved by anyone yet the government thinks they can force it on us. Covid 19 does not exist
I think we might had have this last week or two. We all felt tired for a couple of days and that was it.