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Tom G Glass

Welcome to the Texas Constitutional Enforcement group. Our purpose is to share information about efforts in Texas to enforce the Constitution against unconstitutional act

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Tom G Glass
On December 15, 1791, Virginia became the tenth state of 14 to ratify ten of the twelve amendments passed by Congress that we know as the Bill of Rights. Happy Bill of Rights Day! At the ratifying c... View More
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Tom G Glass
Steve Deace was on fire, today. Well worth listening to the entire show. The show includes a clarion call on going on the offensive against the COVID tyrants. ... View More
Tom G Glass
Happy Thanksgiving! I consider those two words to be inseparably linked. I don’t think you can be happy unless you are grateful for the good things in life. ... View More
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Tom G Glass
All over Texas, families are having to make the decision - our liberty or our jobs? Our lives or our jobs? At kitchen table after kitchen table, in bedroom after bedroom, in significant numbers, Tex... View More
Tom G Glass
The Marxists and globalist who have seized power in DC want to take everything we in Texas hold dear. Choosing the right leaders in the GOP primary in 2022 is one of the most important things Texas w... View More
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Tom G Glass
Sounds like the Texans who build the weaponry for our military want the protection for their unalienable right to decline vaccination that a vax mandate prohibition in a fourth special session could b... View More
Tom G Glass
By listening to Steve Deace, today, I learned about the eminent physician, Dr. Peter McCulloch. I will be spreading his ideas in chunks later, but here is a link to a lot of his articles. They are ... View More
Tom G Glass
This is a video of the speech I gave to Take America Back Texas in Glen Rose yesterday. It misses a bit of the beginning, but I thank Michael Bennett for the recording. View More
Tom G Glass
This is a deep dive of the first draft Texas House redistricting plan for 2022. It took a LONG time to analyze and the article is pretty long, although there is a good high level summary at the begin... View More
Tom G Glass
Texas House State Affairs Chris Paddie announces that he will not seek reelection after serving for five sessions. He times his announcement to make it easier for those redistricting to carve up his... View More
Tom G Glass
THIS is one of the funniest, most devastating memes to respond to vaccine cultists that I have seen! #ResistVaccineCultists #Resist #Coronavirus #COVID19 #Virus
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Tom G Glass
The legislature has adjourned for the the second special session three days early with unfinished business. Here is the report: ... View More
Tom G Glass
State Senator Paul Bettencourt's election audit bill, SB 97 passed out of State Affairs yesterday, Sep 1. "SB 97 also includes a “lookback” provision that lets political party chairs request an audi... View More
Tom G Glass
There is no more powerful lobby and propaganda machine than global Big Pharma. Our governor serves them. It is going to take replacing our governor and an unprecedented level of grassroots pressure ... View More
Tom G Glass
"We live in a society based almost entirely on lies." Tom Woods ... View More
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Tom G Glass
Smart fellow. We should take his advice.
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Texas jarhead
I Took an Oath!! That never goes away!
August 12, 2021
Tom G Glass
City charters (combined with state law) are the foundational, supreme law of home rule cities in Texas. The only place we have initiative in Texas is the ability to petition for the modification of c... View More
Tom G Glass
Forget whether they are constitutional or not. Think lockdowns or mask mandates work? Check your ability to see when policies were implemented and their impact on results here. ... View More
Tom G Glass
Follow the science. Not the politicians at the CDC or NIH. ... View More
Tom G Glass
Another day, another 20 violations of the Constitution by the feds. This is a decree by the Center for Disease Control, no less, that the contracts of renters with property owners be violated. ... View More
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So, let me ask this. Why aren't more people revolting against this? Our rights were clearly defined to stop this abuse of power from happening? But everyone rolled over when a virus with a 99.8% recovery rate hit? Seems like the only answer is that they're trying to force marxism on us and the v... View More
August 4, 2021
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