Constitutional Carry Passed In Texas. It passed and Gov Abbott will sign it.
Gov. Greg Abbott Confident Legislature Will Pass Constitutional Carry Bill: 'I Think It Can Get Across The Finish Line'
The full Texas Senate could consider House Bill 1927 as early as Wednesday, May 5 after it was approved by a newly formed, special committee on Constitutional Issues.
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Texas jarhead
Background Checks and Training still need to be a part of this, However, the Federal Govt has no say whatsoever...It is all a TEXAS Thing! The folks in DC can piss off!

Trey brown
Everything is the same just the name has change
When will texas constitutional carry start?
Once the bill passes, when Gov Abbott signs it into law, there will be a start date. With this type of "roll-back" of the licensing process, I'd imagine t... View More
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I lost my conceal carry license when I refused a brethalizer. It's OK to be an illegal alien, but if you say no to a cop, you're screwed. Being a veteran in Texas sucks. Sad.
No, I did not have a felony offense. I simply refused to have a breathalyzer as per my constitutional rights. Because of this I have lost my right to carry a firearm in the state of Texas. My CDL is revoked and cannot be renewed.
Read the so called constitutional carry. Nothing has changed just the name, you still have to get a permi
That's the first step! Now we need to build several more walls between us and the FED...and then we need to TEXIT!
Lee Wilson Jr
Lee Wilson Jr's Photo from February 27, 2021: AAF3712D-6F57-495A-A6D1-AEEE9F4C419E.#texit! Share your photos with friends, family, and the world on Part of the photo album: Lee Wils
ERCOT must get better.
Gov. Abbott Says ERCOT is 'Anything But Reliable' With Millions of Customers Left Powerless in Record Cold
Texas Gov. Greg Abbot says The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, the nonprofit that oversees the state's power grid, "has been anything but reliable" and...
Any of you that are interested in helping advance the cause of Texas independence, please go to If you are interested in helping further, go to to fill out the volunteer... View More
Facebook live with LTC Allen West on the #Texit discussion.
Facebook Live with Allen West: 2.4.21
RPT Chairman Allen West offers his thoughts, perspectives, and insights on the news of the day. Also, a question and answer session with the audience.Please ...
Texas Republicans endorse legislation to allow vote on secession from US
State’s part chairman, Allen West, is latest Republican to come out in support of declaring Texas an independent nation
Our next Texas governor! Support Chad and #Texit!
Texas: The Refuge for the Over-Regulated | Ep 390
Texas has become the last frontier once again, but this time it's the last frontier for freedom. Will we succeed? Executive overreach is beginning to encroac...
Get in touch with your District Director (or volunteer if you live in a district that does not yet have one), to find out what is going on in your district. We need everyone to contact their State Re... View More
Everyone that is interested in Texas independence should contact their State Reps. and Sens. to get them to sign onto (House) or introduce (Senate) HB-1359, the Texas Independance Referendum Act. Thi... View More
Sorry, Lee, I meant State Senatorial District. That will tell me who your TNM DD is.
Ok, Lee, Dean Ross is the DD in 24. He should be able to put you in touch with some other folks in your House District to try to get Mr. Shine on board. His email is I will send him an email so he knows to expect to hear from you.
If you're concerned about the direction this country is taking and want to take a stand for freedom and the former American way, join us at TNM. Regardless of political ideology or location (you don't... View More
Join The TNM
Only click if you believe that Texans are strong enough, smart enough, and good enough to stand as a nation among nations.
Texas GOP Chair Allen West says SCOTUS setback may call for new 'union' of 'law-abiding states'
The leader of the Republican Party in Texas suggested Friday that “law-abiding states” might want to form their own "union," after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected the Lone Star State’s
This is getting to be a more and more popular topic. #texit is a real growing thing.
We are sadly watching the end of a free America. The only way to preserve freedom and traditional culture is peaceful political separation from DC and blue states #Texit
Please leave the Corrupt States of America. Texas will be the guiding light of freedom to millions.
There is no other choice, and the longer freedom loving Americans wait the more the power the communists will wield. Once we are disarmed and everything is controlled by them, which is their sole objective, this opportunity will be gone.
The Myths Behind the "Capitalism Is Racist" Claim | Lipton Matthews
Though numerous studies prove the contrary, it is still widely assumed that capitalism perpetuates racism. Celebrities and academics incessantly broadcast the message that capitalism engenders racism.
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Support Texas manufacturers. These guys wanted to decrease our PPE dependence on China and built a plant in North Texas..naming their first NIOSH approved mask the 1836 for the year of Texas 1st Indep... View More
United States Mask
United States Mask manufactures and sells NIOSH-approved N95 respirator masks (TC-84A-PH20) here in the USA with U.S. materials and adhere to rigorous NIOSH standards. Our 5-layer design ensures prote
It looks like Trump's last hope was torpedoed by the SC. There is still a lifeboat! Come join us at
Been a member for several years...nothing is going to happen, other than they keep asking for money... WOuld love to see this move forward, but it seems to be too much of a cash cow for anything final to happen very sad!
Some of you may not think this is important, but I assure you it is, go here and click Check My Browser, if there is anything that is not green your data is compromised... View More
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