Publish Date: September 18, 2020
Keep America Open
Keep America Open
I'm going to do more of these!
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Joe Thibodeau Sr
Makes me hungry!
October 23, 2020
Steve Blu
I got up this morning at 5 AM and planned breakfast for the family. Made eggs, biscuits, hash browns and sausage patties. Made regular community coffee but still good. The kids are getting ready to do their schoolwork now on full stomachs and the house smells like a breakfast restaurant.
October 23, 2020
Keep America Open
I might try this then time we go camping.
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Keep America Open
Joe Biden made a massive error by saying he wants to shut down the oil industry. I'm still shocked that he said what he said and it's further proof that his cognitive skills are massively declined.
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Steve Blu
"Why would you do that?" lol
October 23, 2020
Keep America Open
Joe Biden wants socialism. He wants BIDENCARE!
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Joe Thibodeau Sr
Biden is a fool.
October 23, 2020 Edited
Joe Thibodeau Sr
All businesses need to open up. Time to band together. Don't let the LEFT destroy your business like they want to destroy America. And by the way, I'm tired of the mask charade.
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Cylee Sparks
The entire reason for shutting down was fear based upon bad data from China. seriously???
October 6, 2020
Keep America Open
There's no evidence that this virus is any worse than the seasonal flu.
October 7, 2020
Keep America Open
Are we going to shut down the world every winter?
October 7, 2020
Cylee Sparks
More people will die from the lockdown than from the virus. Maybe 7x more people. This is just crazy that we even did this. #covidhoax View More
Cylee Sparks
Steve Blu
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Steve Blu
Why did no major media outlets publish the mugshots of George Floyd?
October 15, 2020
Keep America Open
Here's the full video to the Constitutional Rights Summit that was held this last Saturday, October 3, 2020 in Austin Texas.
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Keep America Open
Remember when they got the Portland ANTIFA murderer? Hard to believe that was a month ago! I got over 500k views on facebook for this video, but when I simply shared a public speech by Dr. Simone Go... View More
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Rich Steele
October 9, 2020
Michael McNeely
got another friend who tested positive with the quick test. then also followed up with 2 blood tests. the quick test came back positive and the two blood tests came back negative. Obviously, the quick... View More
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Michael McNeely
I haven't heard the death rate in the news, only the infected rate. I think they are letting the sheep believe its more deadlier than what it is.
October 7, 2020
Steve Blu
Death rate of those infected is inline with seasonal flu.
October 7, 2020
Joe Thibodeau Sr
Last I heard on the true numbers, death rate is less than .02%. Less than the flu. Not like the fake numbers when you get in a plane crash and counted as "died of covid". What a scam. Each positive case is like $13k.
October 7, 2020 Edited
I have a friend who works ICU at a major medical center. They had a patient they sent 4 test on, and 2 were positive, and 2 negative. The testing is one big scam.
October 8, 2020
Keep America Open
It's clear that Governors across the country issues lockdown orders that are a direct violation of our constitutional rights. Governor Abbot in Texas expects us to be like this.
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Joe Thibodeau Sr
Virginia is on the same train wreck.
October 7, 2020
You said it Joe.
October 15, 2020
Cylee Sparks
I was surprised by the really good information on this site about masks and how they don't stop the spread of the virus. It's not a surprise.
Rich Steele
Keith Overman is really pretty deranged. What's he so angry about? Where does he form his moral base from? Both his feet are planted firmly in mid-air.
Angry (1)
Cylee Sparks
who is this jackwagon?
October 13, 2020
Steve Blu
He's got very little control over his anger issues. I agree. What's he so angry about?
October 15, 2020
Michael McNeely
wife works somewhere that had 3 test positive. then she got sick. she was down for a week but never got tested. there was no reason to get tested for a virus that doesn't kill her demographic. a rando... View More
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Joe Thibodeau Sr
Harris did not make it through the first question without lie after lie. Turning it off. Now we know why they locked down the US - and crashing the economy.
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Steve Blu
Too bad this is going to be the highlight of the debate.
October 7, 2020
Keep America Open
The data is crystal clear. COVID-19 is about as deadly as seasonal flu. Somewhere between 0.07-0.20% death rate for those who get the virus. There was no reason to shut down the country over this. ... View More
Keep America Open
What’s it tell you when a section of Americans openly wish death to the elected President of the United States and the First Lady, while protesting for the lives of violent criminals, thugs and rapist... View More
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Steve Blu
Can you honestly say that you saw mugshots of George Floyd before the end of September 2020? #mugshot #georgefloyd
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Cylee Sparks
now that I think about it, never have I seen a George Floyd mugshot. hmmm, why did it take so long?
September 30, 2020
Michael McNeely
he was on Judge Judy about 15 years ago for car jacking.
September 30, 2020
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