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Dan Stucky

Male. Lives in Pine Island, United States. Born on December 2.
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Status Update

Dan Stucky
Looks like martial law is coming with a 2 week lockdown. They say by this weekend. Make sure you have enough supplies to remain home for this time.
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I haven't heard of this lockdown? Aren't lockdowns mandated on a state level?
January 12, 2021
Martial Law would be the last thing in the world the government would want to try. You think people are pissed now, martial law would be fatal.
January 12, 2021
I work within the health field, and I had an active care nurse young capable healthy and die of Covid, so just because you have had a light case, it is not the same for everyone. I worked in Toronto Canada in 2003 in SARS, so please do not tell me that this is just something that will go away! I hav... View More
January 12, 2021
Do a search of the 1918 pandemic ..it took two years for it to dissipate. This gentleman is real.Yes the economy is suffering, and many are economically suffering, Due a search of countries in Europe, the protocols in Canada. I suggest some hours of research, might just might be a factor for people ... View More
January 12, 2021