Steve Blu
How does the party stand right now?
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Thought I posted this earlier, it was my pleasure to meet LTC Allen West on a couple of occasions. The one photo with the capital in the background was taken just hours before his motorcycle wreck. ... View More
Just got my hands slapped by the Texas Republican Party for using their images here. This is NOT an official TRP page, just so everyone knows. I've invited them to take it over and run it as they se... View More
the RPT is dead. The Texas Party is the new home for conservatives
So goes Texas! This was nice to see. Need to work on those blue counties though, how can we flip those in the next election?
We stop the in flow of Idiots abandoning their trashed state, from coming here with their ignorant Liberal Ideas...We teach them how to be free, and not waiting for their next free handout!
I recorded this speech from Allen West earlier this year. He's just amazing speaker.
The Best Speech You'll Ever Hear - Lt. Col. Allen West in Dallas
May 9, 2020 - Lt. Col. Allen West speaking in Dallas, Texas. These are the times that try men's souls. Speech delivered tandem with Shelley Luther, the Dalla...
President Joe Biden just announced his new 100 day plan and the first thing on his agenda is killing the Keystone Pipeline XL. Let this sink in:
On Biden’s first day in office... View More
They only want to cripple this country, so they can be “The knight in shining armor”. We are going to have to fight back, or we will loose America!!
Senator Don Huffines puts his money where his mouth is. Thank you Senator! We see time and time again all of these "found ballots" in battleground states only go in favor of the democrat candidate. ... View More
Former Texas state senator offering $5G rewards for tips on voter fraud
A former Texas state senator is offering $5,000 rewards out of his own pocket for tips on voter fraud that lead to criminal convictions in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
Please join this group and invite others so we can fight against the censorship from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other leftist platforms.
My plan is to move to Texas early in 2021. I'm joining now and hope to network.