Publish Date: September 17, 2020
Blabbook News | Free Speech Social Media for All
Sorry for the downtime this morning. It looked like we were getting hacking attempts so we upgraded our software and hardened the server. We were able to fight off the attack and all is good now.
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Cylee Sparks
That's terrible. Why don't the cyber pirates level sites like this alone?
March 10, 2021
Steve Blu
Well, i've seen this happen before, but mostly on my automotive community websites.
March 10, 2021
Blabbook News | Free Speech Social Media for All
Have to do a backup and upgrade again to fix a couple of small bugs.
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Steve Blu
This should be done in an hour, try to keep the site downtime to a minimum
February 4, 2021
Steve Blu
Still looks like we have one bug that's know that we're working on. * Trying to add functions into the system to allow you to easily turn off email notifications, etc. * Working on allowing PDF uploads to groups. * Several other smaller things working on this week.
February 4, 2021
Steve Blu
Speed has increased a little bit, but working on the other issues now.
February 4, 2021
Steve Blu
Looks like we got the mail email notification bugs worked out.
February 8, 2021
Blabbook News | Free Speech Social Media for All
We'll be doing a software upgrade later tonight. Jyst FYI.
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Steve Blu
Ok, backups are all complete, so we're about to upgrade the site. We may be offline for a few.
January 27, 2021
Steve Blu
It's going.
January 27, 2021
Steve Blu
Still have 1 round of updates left to do.
January 27, 2021
Steve Blu
Updates are all done.
January 27, 2021
Blabbook News | Free Speech Social Media for All
A couple of people have asked about this, but there's a weird code setting that I'm working on getting updated, but it's starting the day over based on GMT-0, so if you're on around 6 or 7 pm central ... View More
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Steve Blu
By the way, this is near the bottom of your page if you're on a mobile device.
January 27, 2021
Rich Steele
glad to see the community growing!
January 27, 2021
Blabbook News | Free Speech Social Media for All
Rename Blabbook. We need a name that incorporates feelings of freedom, patriotism, etc. Any ideas?
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Cylee Sparks
Is Blab, just by itself taken?
January 24, 2021
Blabbook News | Free Speech Social Media for All
Having issues with the look/feel of the like buttons.
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Steve Blu
Got it fixed.
January 23, 2021
Cylee Sparks
It all looks normal to me. thanks for getting it all fixed up!
January 23, 2021
Blabbook News | Free Speech Social Media for All
We have a new SHARE feature on the site now. You can share posts and a lot more easily to other sites, to email, or just copy the link and use it later.
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Cylee Sparks
This is great! Love it!
January 11, 2021
Steve Blu
It like took me a minute to make sense of the satire. lol.
January 11, 2021
Blabbook News | Free Speech Social Media for All
YOU ARE ALL PIONEERS AND EARLY ADOPTERS IN THE NEW SOCIAL NETWORK. Thank you and we'll never forget that it's you who helped turn the tide against the corrupt Big-Tech firms that want to control yo... View More
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Cylee Sparks
Who else is happy to have a place that's not controlled by the big tech libtards?
October 15, 2020
Sheri Wells
Hi, Steve. Finally made it over here from farcebook. It looks like the news of the day is Apple is the first of the big tech companies to ban Parler from their apps because they won't censor speech. It's all happening way faster than anyone thought. The communists wasted no time.
January 8, 2021
Blabbook News | Free Speech Social Media for All
Blabbook is based in Texas. It's important to have a strong social media presence based here. Read the comments to understand why.
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Steve Blu
The purpose of Blabbook is to develop a community that allows people to speak their mind and not be fact-checked or shadow-banned into silence. Being in Texas gives us the ability to (for now) have a much more open company policy on who we hire and how we're allowed to run this site. The fear is t... View More
October 21, 2020 Edited
Steve Blu
October 21, 2020
Blabbook News | Free Speech Social Media for All
Membership on blabbook grew about 10% today. IN ONE DAY. Thank you to everyone who's registered! Please fight the #TechTyrants by telling your friends!
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Cylee Sparks
That's awesome! This community will one day very soon be one of the greats!
November 6, 2020
Richard Shelton
Richard Shelton
They just can't or don't help themseleves
Blabbook News | Free Speech Social Media for All
Feel free to share this, add an inbound link to when you post it.
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Josh Lamb
By the way, just an FYI... so do I have a VIP suite in the Bb jail yet sure I will be there soon...
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Josh Lamb
Hey I thought this was a Free speech site cause I just got a DM... :)
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Steve Blu
November 14, 2020
Blabbook News | Free Speech Social Media for All
We'll be offline for a short period of time, 5 to 10 minutes, this afternoon while we apply a software patch and a couple of server upgrades.
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Steve Blu
Back online but we're still doing upgrades.
November 11, 2020
Blabbook News | Free Speech Social Media for All
Multiple bugs have been fixed plus we've tweaked a lot to speed up the site as well.
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Joe Thibodeau Sr
Thanks for all the hard work.
November 11, 2020
Steve Blu
I should have done this in the middle of the night, but I didn't know it was going to take 30 minutes to upload everything. lol.
November 11, 2020
Richard Shelton
Blabbook News | Free Speech Social Media for All
We have to reboot the server, we'll be offline for about 4 minutes.
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