Talk About The Biggest Challenges You Faced and Overcame , well nice lady but I don't take shit from... View More
Status Update
Its very disgusting to impeaches the president without any ofense.
Steve Burns
Okay. So the democraps have done it again. Impeach the president. For absolutely no reason. Could these criminals be more disgusting.
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Paul Citro
This is just going to piss off a lot of people. They just want to do theatrics and not any real work for us.

Genki Feral
Trump should've used a more civil, calm tone when talking about this election. However, his being impeached or even talk of it can only cause more civil unrest. Part of me wonders if this unrest is part of the plan, part of the Reset and that those hotheaded rebellious men protesting are playing i... View More

Texas jarhead
It’s time we retire all these idiots...