Steve Blu
on November 2, 2020 434 views
Join for Free Speech. Watch this truck push through this group of thugs. White, black, thin and fat ... well, more fat than not. The...
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That's just crazy. They're literally thinking that people won't run them down. They're ok with THEM damaging other's property, but they don't want their evil views challenged. We're living in wicked times. lock and load. travel in groups. Be prepared and don't stop for a crowd.
November 2, 2020
Jim Hill
Im taking a quick lunch break, prior to getting back after it. Fox is showing Creepy Joe pathetic little sales pitch in Cleveland.. This man and all of his supporters have severe mental issues .. Nothing but Trump bashing, thats all he's got to run on.. And as Ron stated above, stock up on essen... View More
November 2, 2020
Steve Blu
That's all Joe's got. Just bash the president who spoke his mind and delivered on the promises that he made over the last 4 years.
November 2, 2020
Cylee Sparks
they literally were trying to stop someone from getting gas and are outraged when someone drove through them.
November 2, 2020