This is the end result of a nation full of women drugged to the gills with antidepressant medications.
The massive over prescribing of these horrible medications have li... View More
We all already knew but still worth sharing...🙄
😵😵😵😵😵😵 😎
people need to just chill out a min. get a cold drink and relax.
This is the same guy who dragged Justice Kavanaugh through the mud with those unfounded accusations leveled at him by that liar Christine Blasey Ford... Yet he's jerking off in front of females on a live Zoom...
This needs to go viral my friends..
This is such a good tactic, he's calm and courteous and respectful. Love it.
Yeah, we all know what's really on creepy Uncle Joe's mind...
Creepy Uncle Joe!
This is so very very very sad. He clearly had a stroke in the last year and is trying to pull it all together. Makes me sad to see this.
Yeah.. you better believe I have this mother f@kers name on my target list
Be the first person to like this.
Why is he so honest about being dishonest? That's the most unusual part.
Although he mentioned obama etc it's important to see his underlying point..
Hang the so called Nazis and do away with corporate America... Make no mistake. This guy is pure Communist. He'd do a Stalin type purge in a quick minute..
A lesson on Capitalism -V- Communism...
A guy invents a widget. People like his widget and want one of their own. So the guy starts making widgets with the sweat of his own brow and selling them for a profit to people who want one. The widgets become extremely popular and the guy has to hire many wo... View More
He looks like he grew up in his parent's basement and is hoping that playing Mr. Badass Leftist will lead to a good job.
Welp... The training and three tours in combat still fit.. These commie soy boys keep tickling the dog with a stick..
They have no idea.
Every once in a while you get a guy who's clearly at least been to a range, but who's got otherwise no fighting training. As a group they're just mad because they've been raised in a liberal environment and they're fanning the flame in their hearts. What do they stand for? Just anger? They want ... View More
Had a wonderful time at the MAGA event in Sanford yesterday.. Chanting CNN Sucks to Jim Acosta..
I embedded this video on here so I can link to my other social media account to try to drive more members here. :-)
Proud dad with Baby girl on target... Glock 9
My baby girl at the range as usual..
Don't even try BLM or Antifa.. she'll end you... And I will smile... AIRBORNE!
Thx.. she's deadly proficient in the fast reaction course with her AR-15 as well... Video coming..😉
SOmeone needs to show her a proper grip, and she will be able to control recoil better