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Tom Belmore
Everyone that is interested in Texas independence should contact their State Reps. and Sens. to get them to sign onto (House) or introduce (Senate) HB-1359, the Texas Independance Referendum Act. Thi... View More
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Lee Wilson Jr
I dont know who the district director is. I’m in district 55

Tom Belmore
Sorry, Lee, I meant State Senatorial District. That will tell me who your TNM DD is.

Lee Wilson Jr
Oh. Im pretty sure Im District 24: Dawn Buckingham

Tom Belmore
Ok, Lee, Dean Ross is the DD in 24. He should be able to put you in touch with some other folks in your House District to try to get Mr. Shine on board. His email is dean.ross@thetnm.org I will send him an email so he knows to expect to hear from you.