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What's up fellow cissies

Looks like Texas is getting invaded. Nobody plan on doing shit or what?? I can load up the boys and head that way if you got anything needs done. We got vets who come from a bit of every field. We'lll check back every 24-48 GoodLuck!
Hawaiian falls jobs an amazing job as a mini waterpark. #mansfield #hawaiianfalls #waterpark #summer #texas
Got A tiny little sunburn.
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Attorney Warren Norred is suing Dallas county judge Clay Jenkins over his mask requirement that goes against governor Abbott's order.
Also seeking to remove judge Jenkins from his role due to this ... View More
New Suit! - JJ Koch against Tiny Tyrant Clay Jenkins
Norred Law is honored to represent Dallas County Commissioner JJ Koch in the suit against Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins. This suit seeks to void the face-covering edict issued unilaterally by Jenki
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I'll attest to this. I-45 is jacked coming out of Dallas and also Houston, really not great. Then it's 3.5 hours of nothing much in particular going on in between these two massive cities.
https:/... View More
This Texas interstate was named the deadliest road in the U.S., study finds
With some Texas roads<a href="" target="_blank"> seeing an increase in traffi
I didn't know I45 was this deadly. It's odd that it's only 2-lanes for much of it's length though.
Bois d’Arc Lake filling up faster than expected
Bois d'Ark Lake filling up faster than expected due to large amounts of rainfall North Texas has been receiving
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New lake in Fannin county, Bois d'Arc Lake. It's rapidly filling up and it's already stocked with trophy-quality bass and other fish out of Athens.
Here's a video that I took of the lake.
Bois d'Arc Lake - New Texas lake Bonham Texas FM 897 Bridge
05/23/2021 - Just drove over the new FM897 bridge on the newly created Bois d'Arc lake north of Bonham Texas in Fannan county. Amazing. one day this will be...
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I'm looking forward to going fishing here when they open it up. Could be spring 2021 though.
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wow, just astonishing.
Charlotte Cuthbertson on Twitter
Video taken in SE Texas this morning. Huge line of people waiting for smugglers to ferry them across the Rio Grande into the US. Video courtesy of Tripwires and Triggers. #BorderCrisis
Anti-#Texit Representative Travis Clardy of Nacogdoches needs 7 of those pink vagina hats--one fo... View More
Representative Clardy Dodges TNM Daniel Miller's TEXIT Debate Challenge
In a recent Facebook Live post, Representative Travis Clardy of Nacogdoches called secession “silly talk” and he called TEXIT supporters “cowards and
Well crap. If this ain't Texas I don't know what is. I might add that I like my ... View More
How John R. Erickson Became the King of the Canine Canon
John R. Erickson wanted to write the Great American Novel. But generations of readers only wanted one thing: "More Hank!"
I thought that in Texas the upstream property owner is responsible for downstream flow. Maybe? Regardless, this is crazy for a backyard. View More
Arlington neighbors plead with city to help as rain causes water from city drains to erode their backyards
The City of Arlington has publicly said, several times, that it can't help because "Misty Creek" is on private property.
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I normally don't post pics of license plates. But vanity plates are an exception. #Texas #comeandtakeit
From the guy I supported for city council: "Consistent with Gov. Abbot's order, last night, League City Council created a resolution and voted in favor 6-2, to remove all COVID restrictions from taxpa... View More
Good to hear that my Long ago Home Town still has a little common sense!
My money says funding will win out over woke policy stupidity. Academ... View More
'The Eyes of Texas' Meets Cancel Culture and Donors are Fuming
Confederate General Robert E. Lee was fond of telling his troops before they went into battle, '"The eyes of the South are upon you."
Soooo, driving home from hunting and gathering at Kroger I hear a clip on the radio. ex-vice president biden calls our governor a "neanderthal" for opening up Texas business and dropping mask requirem... View More
Tarrant County ends mask mandate, effective immediately, following Gov. Abbott’s order
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s mask order takes effect March 10, but Tarrant County ended its mandate on Tuesday to avoid confusion, Judge Glen Whitley said.
Let's hope Galveston County has the testicular fortitude to follow suit.
4 minutes, 37 seconds: That's how close Texas came to complete grid failure
ERCOT says the collapse would have led to a statewide blackout for weeks.
They should be under investigation, and the entire program re-thought!...They sold our power to others for profit, and didn't have sense enough to be sure we had reserves!