on March 11, 2021
From the guy I supported for city council: "Consistent with Gov. Abbot's order, last night, League City Council created a resolution and voted in favor 6-2, to remove all COVID restrictions from taxpayer funded facilities.
The item was co-sponsored by Hicks-(myself), Long, Bowen, and Dugie.
What does this mean moving forward?
Q. Will the police give me a fine for violating CDC guidelines or COVID restrictions?
A. No, LCPD never did any of the sort anyway
Q. Can parks and recs, sports facilities enforce COVID restrictions, limit capacity, or close to the public.
A. No, please go enjoy watching your kids in league play etc., enjoy all facilities as you did before.
Q. Can any city owned property force me to wear a mask.
A. No
Q. Can I still be required to wear a mask anywhere?
A. Possibly, private businesses have the ability to refuse service as they please, they've had the right to do this even before COVID
FYI- The municipal court falls under the authority of the Supreme Court of Texas, please follow their rules, what ever they are moving forward.
Beware: If a business asks you to leave for refusing a mask, please do so and go shop somewhere else. If a business asks you to leave and you do not, they can have you charged with criminal trespassing. I do not suspect this will happen, just keep it in the back of your mind.
(The free market will sort out businesses that are restrictive for too long)
Lastly, let's just be respectful of each other. There are still a lot of folks out there that are susceptible, or afraid of the situation. If you see someone out in public still wearing a mask, do your best to give them some distance, so they are comfortable.
A big step towards getting our personal liberties back. Enjoy, and stay safe out there!
Call or send me a message if you have any problems."
League City Council
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Texas jarhead
Good to hear that my Long ago Home Town still has a little common sense!
March 12, 2021