Greg Casaretto
on April 4, 2024
"Early morning, April 4
a shot rings out in the Memphis sky..."
Today marks the 56th anniversary of the passing of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. from an assassin's bullet. Dr. King was denied a CHL, not that it would have made a difference, but he was a gun rights advocate and, like it or not, was not a member of any political party, saying: "I don't think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses ... And I'm not inextricably bound to either party."
He made great strides towards equality, but was far from being "perfect". then again, who among us is or ever was? It I just too bad that those who stepped up to attempt to fill his shoes have chosen the far different path of intolerance.
R.I.P., Dr. King.
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