Greg Casaretto
on March 6, 2024
I am not a native Texan, but I am inspired by those brave men of the Alamo and truly hope their spirit, their drive to remain free, has not vanished from the residents of this state. We face many trials in the coming years, not the least of which is the relinquishment of our liberty and freedoms fought for and earned by brave Texicans and others. When threatened, they answered the challenge and showed their true resolve. May we show that same resolve when we are challenged.
The sun rose rose over San Antonia de Bexar as a Blood red omen of what the day will bring to the men of the Alamo. The last day of the 13 days of glory that will forever symbolize man's desire to be free of tyranny. "Dequello", the trumpet song meaning "slit throat" or "no quarter" was being played on all four sides of the Mission Fort. Today, Santa Anna will have his temporary victory and lose the war. May all men who love freedom forever bless the men who fought and died for us, whether it was in the Alamo or today in far off shores. God bless freedom, God bless the Alamo! March 6th, 1836.
Sentiments written by Alan Vogel.
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