Greg Casaretto
on December 22, 2023
Today in Texas History
On the trail to Texas independence.
Dec 22, 1835 - Leaders in Texas continued to debate whether the army was fighting for independence or a return to federalism. On this day, Texian soldiers stationed at La Bahía issued the “Goliad Declaration of Independence”. Unwilling to decide the matter themselves, the Council called for another election, for delegates to the Convention of 1836. The Council specifically noted that all free white males could vote, as well as Mexicans who did not support centralism. Governor Henry Smith tried to veto the latter requirement, as he believed even Tejanos with federalist leanings should not be denied suffrage.
Three Georgia companies from Columbus, Macon, and Milledgeville united at Velasco on this day to form the Georgia Battalion, with William Ward as Major
Portraits: Governor Henry Smith, Major William "Peg Leg" Ward.
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