Debbie Daniel
on June 18, 2021
The only way to remove mRNA.
Let me explain how the CV19 mRNA will be destroyed even if encoded in your cells DNA.
1: All know how a microwave oven heats up food by causing the water molecule to rotate 90 degrees and ossilate very rapidly causing heat of friction to build up and heat the water in food.
2: All know Nickola Tesla could bring down a building with a pocket size device that cause a Harmonic resonance throughout the metal support structure and in time the entire building would be ossllating at that same harmonic reasonance and collapse.
3: once we’ve identified the frequency that will destroy that single specific mRNA structure we expose the patient to that frequency and at an intensity to literally destroy it in seconds.
This copy – mRNA – travels from the nucleus of the cell to the part of the cell known as the cytoplasm, which houses ribosomes. Ribosomes are complex machinery in the cells that are responsible for making proteins.
Dimension: 903 x 351
File Size: 49.62 Kb
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Robert Swenson
Sounds like Pedophile Joe Biden has a plan to celebrate 4th of July
June 18, 2021