on May 1, 2021
Word of the day: bougie
or bou·jee
[ boo-zhee, ‐jee ]
adjective Slang.
Sometimes Disparaging. relating to or characteristic of a person who indulges in some of the luxuries and comforts of a fancy lifestyle: He spends too much on bougie stuff he can’t afford.
Also bour·gie [bur-zhee, ‐jee, boo‐] .Often Disparaging and Offensive. relating to or characteristic of a person who aspires to the upper middle class, especially when regarded as being elitist or snobbish: bougie Black folks moving out to suburbia or sending their kids to private school.
relating to or characteristic of a person who flaunts newly acquired wealth without necessarily embracing the cultural values and pretensions of the upper middle class: that bougie feeling when you’re drinking high-end champagne—out of a red plastic cup.
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