Josh Lamb
on December 2, 2020
Okay so hear me out, AG Barr said that the DOJ found no evidence of voter fraud. Voter fraud is determined by reviewing data in the Courts by Judges. Now we all know there is definitely fraud, but what if this kind of fraud is on a whole new level which we know it is, on December 24th of 2020, the Federal Execution laws will be changed to not just lethal injection, but gas chambers, electrocution and FIRING SQUADS!!! Now an order to qualify for this type of penalty it must be a heinous Federal crime, I don't believe AG Barr is Deep State, I believe that this is the prelude to Military Tribunals for Treason and Sedition, etc., now the crimes in this category are all HEINOUS crimes. Now General Flynn is calling for a LIMITED Martial Law... BOOM I hope they Pay Per view Killery and Obama's execution, I'd record it so I could watch it over and over again sitting by my fireplace watching the snowfall drinking a cold beer, and smoking some good bud, just my theory of what I see happening at this moment... Personally, I would like to take each one of these Commie traitors and PPV it to ChyNa and have them executed by FIRE!!!
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