The ip is my go to each and every day.
4 Easy Instant Pot Dinners
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I'm going to make steak in my new Instant Vortex Air Fryer tonight. Maybe baked potatoes also. What else?
Steak in the Instant Pot Vortex Air Fryer
I am normally a grill when it comes to a good steak, but cooking a steak in the Vortex Air Fryer is a game changer! Really juicy! Plus, it's safe enough for ...
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One of the best parts of owning an IP is that I got rid of at least three or four different appliances before I bought mine. I got rid of the rice cooker, the crockpot or slow cooker, and a really old... View More
This is very true. It's supposed to be 7-in-1. We're also looking at geting an IP Air Fryer.
What is your best food you create in a IP and what advantages does it have for you and your family? What size do you have 6 quart or 8 quart? I love I can combine all the ingredients and it cooks in a... View More
Apart from being able to hard boil two dozen eggs in 15 minutes, we make chili all the time. Fresh ground beef, chili powder, beans, often we'll cheat and get a package of chili and then go from there for taste.