We must make certain that this election wasn't widespread fraud. We might fight for full transparency and out the fraud and not accept illegal fraudulent votes from fake people.
https://bongino.com/... View More
Ep. 1387 No Surrender | Dan Bongino
No surrender. We must not concede a darn thing until every legal vote is counted. I give you the necessary battle-plan going forward in this episode.
Angry (1)

Samantha Kelsie
Does anyone think that this was not massive fraud?
William PalmerWP
William Palmer
It was widespread fraud.
Pennsylvania Court Rules Segregated Ballots May Not Be Counted
A victory for the Trump campaign.
Until the voting system is fixed there is no point in debating politics - those who own the ballot system will always win.
Then the deplatformers came for Dan Bongino
Outbrain advertising service cuts off Dan's websites.
From Dan on Parler. "Amazon is a giant corporate monopolist and any remaining credibility they thought they had as a “business,” rather than a political enterprise, evaporated this weekend with their... View More
Hey, Dan!! I got censored on MeWe. I have always liked blabbook best anyway. Would like to verify this is REALLY You!!
Ep. 1431 We Gotta Fix This - The Dan Bongino Show
For show notes, visit https://bongino.com/ep-1431-we-gotta-fix-this This show is brought to you by Express VPN https://www.expressvpn.com/bongino In this episode, I discuss the extremely dangerous pat
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How could the polls be SOOO wrong both in 2016 and also 2020. Answer: They were trying to create a leftist win.
This came out of left field for a lot of us, but they clearly manipulated the polling information to trick Trump supporters to not vote.
I saw it coming a million miles away. COVID COVID COVID MAIL IN BALLOTTS MAIL IN BALLOTS MAIL IN BALLOTS. WHY are we always on the defense? We should be in an offensive posture. We should have had experts that knew about the crooked machines ahead of the vote and done something to stop all the fr... View More
Don't forget that Dan still needs prayers to get him through the probably lymphoma cancer situation.
Leaving Dan and his family on my prayer list until he is on the other side of this cancer!
'Spygate' author Bongino cheers Trump declassification move while awaiting surgery
Dan Bongino has lived Russiagate for nearly four years, but he learned of President Trump’s sweeping order to declassify relevant documents on the eve of an event even more serious and personal to h
This isn't really surprising is it?
Fact Check: Kamala Harris Made Up a Fake Quote From Abe Lincoln at the Debate
Kamala Harris told a lot of lies during the VP debate, but this was the biggest one.
Washington Examiner on Twitter
"The president called before I went into surgery. I'm not kidding. That's the kind of guy he is."
.@Dbongino reveals @realDonaldTrump called to wish him well right before surgery
This was a total disgrace.
Unhinged NBC "Moderator" Turns Town Hall Into Heated Debate With Trump
They aren't even hiding it anymore. The media only care about taking down President Trump.
Radio Host Dan Bongino Shares That the Tumor Removed From His Neck Is Likely Lymphoma: What Is This Type of Cancer? | SurvivorNet
Radio host Dan Bongino underwent surgery to remove a neck tumor he found in September, and shared that though the surgery was successful, it's likely he's facing a lymphoma diagnosis. Surviv
'Just an amazing guy': Dan Bongino says Trump called to wish him well right before surgery to remove neck tumor
Conservative radio host Dan Bongino said that President Trump called him to offer support moments before he walked into surgery to remove a tumor from his neck.
Trump is one of the best people, if you're honest and ethical. if you're crooked hilary or sleepy joe then he's going to put a spotlight on you and call you out.
No kidding they did this. This is outrageous that we live in a society where half the the people will lie, cheat, steal and commit fraud to this level.
https://bongino.com/trump-pollster-john-mclaug... View More
Trump Pollster John McLaughlin: Many Polling Firms Boosted Biden Numbers to Suppress the Trump Vote
Why the polls were so wrong
I'll say it again, does anyone think that this wasn't massive fraud? seems like they've been planning this for years.
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