Wall Comment

Steve Blu
When will texas constitutional carry start?
Once the bill passes, when Gov Abbott signs it into law, there will be a start date. With this type of "roll-back" of the licensing process, I'd imagine t... View More
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Texas jarhead
Likely to start Sep 1...that is the usual pattern if I remember right

I lost my conceal carry license when I refused a brethalizer. It's OK to be an illegal alien, but if you say no to a cop, you're screwed. Being a veteran in Texas sucks. Sad.

No, I did not have a felony offense. I simply refused to have a breathalyzer as per my constitutional rights. Because of this I have lost my right to carry a firearm in the state of Texas. My CDL is revoked and cannot be renewed.

Trey brown
Read the so called constitutional carry. Nothing has changed just the name, you still have to get a permi