Peter Colt
on October 22, 2023
Meme's such as this make me laugh. I prefer to rent despite all of those who are always lecturing me about how I'm just wasting my money by paying someone else's mortgage.
I look at it this way; our rent is only $425/month (Canadian) and it includes parking and snow removal. The place is plenty big enough for my wife and I. I have no need nor desire for more. If you're looking for a word to 'trigger' boomers then I guess "contentedness" would be that word due to the fact that they are the least contented people in our society. It certainly gets them riled up about how contentedness is only an excuse for laziness and lack of motivation.
I always ask anyone to show me a home which I could purchase where the costs of maintenance, taxes, utilities, repairs, interest on the mortgage, etc etc would be less than $425/month. No-one ever has found such a place for me.
And on top of this I appreciate the freedom which comes with having the ability to simply up-and-leave whenever the urge hits without having to find a buyer first.
I should add that in this overheated market it is foolhardy to sign up for a lifetime of debt in a house which could depreciate drastically in the near future, or as so many have already found out the hard way, even before the construction is finished.
Always remember, the 'boomers' are relying on the younger generations to buy their houses from them at current overvalued prices so that they can retire in luxury while saddling the buyers with insurmountable debt. So when 'boomers' are lecturing you about how you're a loser for being a renter always remember that they're only interested in what you're doing because it affects their future. I take a certain dark pleasure in realizing that my refusal to take on a mortgage means that some arrogant, holier-than-thou 'boomer/silent Gen or old Gen-Xer' somewhere will end up with a humbling retirement consisting of eating Fancy-Feast and lots of Crow.
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