Steve Blu
on November 4, 2020
The newest numbers show that Arizona and Nevada are not necessarily going to be Biden's. That's interesting. #Arizona #Nevada
#Michigan is very odd, the numbers look like human interference.
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Steve Blu
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November 4, 2020
How the hell does that even happen? It seems like a systematic error....... where is the control or validation of those things? Just like Trump called it months ago........
November 4, 2020
Steve Blu
They have to count by location, not by person. That's why this is so odd.
November 4, 2020
Mail-in ballots are a disaster. Not saying it is corrupt in-and-of-itself but to be trotted out at the eleventh hour is not just ill-advised, it's another liberal ploy. Hello sheeples. It's great and established for service members and shut-ins but for the general population? Please. Otra pendejada.
November 4, 2020