Steve Blu
on November 4, 2020
These graphics look highly suspicious, don't you think? See these right angle graphs? That doesn't happen without manual involvement when counting records. #stealingtheelection #bidencheats #demscheat
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Steve Blu
In Michigan ... the odds of counting 0 for Trump and 138k for Biden is mathematically impossible. There's no system of counting that would work that way, it violates all concepts of database theory, math, stats and overall election counting experience.
November 4, 2020
Cylee Sparks
Looks like robbery to me! Can't let this happen. It's so obvious too.
November 4, 2020
Joe Thibodeau Sr
This is exactly what I was talking about in the little article I posted. From here on out the Left steals the election. Votes start falling from the skies for Biden right before your eyes.
November 4, 2020
Steve Blu
There are no good reasons to show vote counting like this. #DataManipulation
November 4, 2020