Peter Colt
on May 28, 2022
Concerning MONKEY POX; It's obvious that this Monkey-Pox 'outbreak' is part of the elaborate fraud we've been witnessing over the last 2 years but the questions which must now be addressed are:
1) is it a total fraud as is the Covid pandemic, implemented to be used for further lockdowns and restrictions?
2) is it a bio-weapon attack of some sort. A false-flag to be blamed on Russia?
3) OR is it, as I suspect, that those who've had their immune systems destroyed by the Covid Vaccine (just as the heavily censored doctors warned about) are now starting to succumb to illnesses which are usually kept in-check by peoples normally-functioning immune systems? That's what happens to people who have a failing immune system. Look at how many people who supposedly suffered from AIDS over the last 40 years were said to have succumbed to diseases which are omnipresent in the environment but claimed their lives due simply to a total lack of any defense against the disease by the person's decimated immune system. It should also be noted that many of these diseases were one's which normally only affect animals.
If #3 proves to be correct then we're in for a rough ride as more and more people start to fall ill with previously benign ailments which will now flare up into lethal or debilitating cases. Those thousands of doctors, who were so heavily censored over the past 2 years, tried to warn the world about the vaxx leading to this outcome but most people were either shielded from their message by the censorship or didn't believe what they were being told. Now we get to watch it all play out.
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