Debbie Daniel
on March 4, 2022
Kat istheSea3
😼 I'm a simple person so I understand things unelaborately:
Putin is a White Hat battling the same deep state demons
President Trump & Q Team are.
Putin is part of Q's Plan & White Hat Alliance.
The deep state are throwing everything they have at Putin
because they're PANICKED
all their crimes in Ukraine are going to be revealed.
The DS can't print any more money
so they're improvising
an old tried & true money SCAM β†’ Red Cross.
I don't believe a war is taking place
the way the deep state media says it is.
I believe Putin has already taken out the BioLabs,
is in process of Liberating Ukrainians from the DS/Nazis,
& about to EXPOSE the Biden, Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, UN,
WEF, NATO, CIA, FBI, MI6, etc. deep state demos.
And in Q The Storm Rider's words:
"Only later you WILL learn
the HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of lives that were SAVED
πŸ™ So for me
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