on April 13, 2021
Word of the day: Chancletas. Something a little different today; another Panamanian thing. Indulge me. I was born in Texas but raised in Panama. Unlike many of my Canal Zone friends, I lived in the Republic. So, my culture identity is conflicted. I often say, "Passaporte Americano, Corozon Panameno." I am the most fortunate of fellows. So, the word chancletas. There are many opinions about the word's derivation but as usual, I am correct. Most of you call them flip-flops. Here's my take. There were a lot of Chinese folks in Panama and they almost always wore chancletas. So the way I see it, the Chan part is obvious. Cletas? Well, any mode of transportation. Motorcicleta, bicicleta, lo que sea. Anyone can come up with a better idea but I like mine just fine.
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