Tom G Glass
on March 16, 2021
Over the weekend, I realized that there is a natural right we don't talk about enough. One that implicitly has been violated by a lot of the tyranny we have endured over the last year.
We talk about freedom of speech all the time. But we rarely talk about freedom of risk.
The realization hit me as I was listening to our nanny in chief, Fauci. He was saying that not doing what he said was "too risky." Essentially he was saying that he is the risk czar. If he thinks an action is in his opinion, "too risky," then you should not be free to take the risk.
When you think about the horror of the last year, we have been bombarded with propaganda that assumes that we don't get to decide what risks we take in light of our life goals and pursuit of happiness.
Worse yet, the propaganda has been a myopic focus on only one risk we face in life, even though the reality is that life is full of risks. That myopic focus on one risk and the tyranny implemented with it has created unintended consequences from the other risks ignored throughout this last year. Those negative consequences have been far greater than the one risk we were focusing on.
Free human beings have to be able to evaluate all risks and life goals and balance them in order to be happy. Denying people freedom of risk creates misery and destruction.
No other person has the right to choose what risks we take with our own lives, and no government does, either. Let's start demanding that government respect our freedom of risk.
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Most people blindly follow orders either because it absolves them of the burden of personal responsibility or they've been promised a reward, always at the expense of others. Looking for the spirit of American individualism? Most of it is in your rear view mirror.
March 16, 2021
Steve Blu
Sorry I fell over laughing at nanny in chief. I have to start over
March 16, 2021