on March 4, 2021
Word of the day: Cromulent; acceptable or legitimate; Example: "People disagree on using the singular “they,” but it's perfectly cromulent as far as I'm concerned."
There are plenty of TV catchphrases that have seeped into our lexical consciousness, but none of them has been as sly as cromulent.
Cromulent first appeared in the February 18, 1996 episode of The Simpsons called "Lisa the Iconoclast," in what could be considered a throw-away line given during the opening credits. The schoolchildren of Springfield are watching a film about the founding father of Springfield, Jebediah Springfield. The film ends with Jebediah intoning, “A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man.” One teacher at the back of the room leans over to another and says that she’d never heard the word embiggen before she moved to Springfield. “I don't know why,” the other teacher replies. “It's a perfectly cromulent word.”
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