Steve Blu
on January 27, 2021
TRANSGENDERISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER. Now Facebook has blocked me for 30 days for posting the link to the psychiatrist who says that Transgenderism is a mental disorder. Can't even have a discussion about it.
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It’s called fascism. If you thought the fascist party wasn’t here than look again. Q. How do you know what a liberal is doing or thinking? A. Listen to what they are accusing everyone else of. Remember that the nazi party started from the socialist Democratic Party.
January 27, 2021
Steve Blu
Literally, if you want to have a discussion about it, they'll just block you. I get it, they're lefties. Facebook can run their business anyway that they want, but it's because they have cold dead evil black granite hearts and they salivate at the thought of maximizing the amount of evil they can ... View More
January 27, 2021