Steve Blu
on January 22, 2021
Keep posting everyone. We've been live for 4 months and have a footprint on Google that's pushing nearly 10,000 pages. Keep posting and more and more people will find us from Google searches!!!!! #blabbook #index #size #growth #parler #texas
Dimension: 860 x 364
File Size: 57.73 Kb
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Steve Blu
Oh, so close! Over 9940 pages now. Maybe tomorrow we'll hit 10,000 pages indexed in Google.
February 8, 2021
Cylee Sparks
Keep up the good work! Keep posting everyone!
February 8, 2021
Steve Blu
Working on the email issue, got a few things fixed. I suspect we have some cleanup work to do when it comes to sending better emails out. Please everyone remember to check your email box and mark any emails listed as spam/junk as ok. That will help.
February 8, 2021
Steve Blu
We're officially over 10,000 pages indexed in Google! My first website took about 2 years to do that, we did it in about 5 months!
February 8, 2021