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William PalmerWP
William Palmer
GTV.org has posted a photo of Hunter Biden nude holding hands with a 5-6 year old girl in red and black bra and garters. Even more evil than Epstein. Go see for yourself
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Steve Blu
Regarding the alleged Hunter Biden sex videos, as with similar G-TV anti-CCP postings we will continue to permit these posts and will do our best to filter graphic depictions. It is important to understand, particularly with our new visitors who are not familiar with our anti-CCP movement, that the ... View More

Steve Blu
William PalmerWP
William Palmer
It is a very delicate line. People in Germany never believed the Nazi evil until they were taken to the ovens to see for themselves. Hollywood seems the center of the pedo world, yet they are still admired. Joe Biden knew of and ignored Hunter's sexual depravity, and yet the Me_Too movement is si... View More

Steve Blu
That's a good point, a lot of people didn't know what was going on in the camps and they didn't ask questions, just just bought the Nazi lie. I mean, why would they build a concentration camp to look like a train station after all? It couldn't be the obvious horror, could it?