I've not gotten rid of FB yet. this just popped up on my feed. I'm not in the market for this type of thing, but you might also consider whether or not you choose to spend your money with this company... View More
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Steve Blu
They don't want a competent person, they want a liberal who's going to give them free stuff and be santa claus and they'll be crying when the society fully collapses.

Rich Steele
I'm all but done on facebook. It's not a fair playing field with the fact checking, the censorhip and the groups being shut down. Plus the medical content being removed, that's just hardcore crazy.
Interesting take on when heart disease actually begins. (here's a hint, age 10)
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I think this will work. the Coronary Artery Calcium scan is a diagnostic tool that definitely predicts if you will have a heart attack.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bELaC-6wTz9HGZu-LHHYOegAlLCu77... View More
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I skimmed this article. "Coronary Calcium Score and Cardiovascular Risk" Wow, a lot in there I didn't know about, I'll ask my doctor next time I go see her.
Please do. 90% of the time someone finds out they have heart disease, its a fatal heart attack. Stress tests are bullshit. I could bench press 365 before surgery and i had over 99% OF ALL the cornary arteries blocked.
Wow. just wow.
https://www.dailywire.com/news/photos-go-viral-after-showing-how-china-reportedly-covered-vice-presidential-debate-speaks-volumes?fbclid=IwAR23Q1yuDc8C1EFxZudWKRHfc-lYhGlEiA8SY3XwTDjPp... View More
Photos Go Viral After Showing How China Reportedly Covered Vice Presidential Debate: ‘Speaks Volumes’ | The Daily Wire
Two photos went viral Wednesday night on Twitter for showing communist China reportedly censoring remarks made by eVice President Mike Pence and then
Wow, that's interesting. People think that China has been letting up on their control of their people, not the case huh.
Coronary calcium independently predicts incident premature coronary heart disease over measured cardiovascular risk factors: mean three-year outcomes in the Prospective Army Coronary Calcium (PACC) project.
Taylor AJ1, Bindeman J, Feuerstein I, Cao F, Brazaitis M, O'Malley PG.
3-25-19 the blockages in my 5 arteries were actually 100%, 100%, 98%, 96%, and 95%. I was 265 pounds and could squat and deadlift around 450 pounds. my bench was up to 365 pounds. just started having chest pains.
As a side bar, doctor offices don't like it when you tell them you think you're getting ready to die!