Steve Blu
Just got home from a few days of camping. FEEL GREAT! Lots of sunshine, a few fish that got away, hiking and climbing, and eating food on the campfire. #camping
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Segway makes an electric motorcycle too.
Segway X260 Dirt eBike | Is it really a rebranded Sur Ron?
Tucker Neary from Electric Cycle Rider does a first ride review and test ride with the new Segway X260 Dirt EBike in the mountains of Colorado. Click Here To...
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Did you know that Segway makes powersports vehicles now?
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Tom Green's been out in his bugout van that he talked about the Joe Rogan podcast.
Tom Green, who full disclosure, is me typing this... Is on the road with his puppy Charley. This is happening in real time. I m shooting, editing and composi...
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I love looking at photo galleries like this, makes me think about going hunting later this fall.
Trail Cam Photos: The Intimately Bewildering Moments Captured on Film
Who would have guessed that a simple trail cam would become a nature photographer's best friend? These cams are consistently on the clock, waiting for the perfect "shot" of trail cam ph
So, if anyone wants to know, we sold our RV and have decided to get back into tent camping.
I just bought this unit tonight and we have a really nice straight-legged canopy to hook into, we're real... View More
Ozark Trail 8-Person L-Shaped ConnecTent Accessory for Straight-Leg Canopy
BUY IT NOW!!!https://www.ebay.com/itm/123879061843 The Ozark Trail 8-Person L-Shaped ConnecTent Accessory for Straight-Leg Canopy is a great tent for family ...
that looks like fun, but very uncomfy. I assume you're taking air mattresses???
This tent was not all that good. I think the design was really nice, but the construction used poor materials for the zippers and the clasps that are not replaceable. Honestly, if the clasps were replaceable that would be a big upgrade. The zipper was just too cheap.
The Ozark Trail stuff is totally hit and miss depending on the design and engineering of it all, plus when and where it was built. Too big of a crap shoot for me.
The fire we had while camping at Lake Minerals Wells in Texas was just too hot. I needed to let it burn down to coals more. The bacon was just destroyed and burnt to a crisp.
Camping in the fall and winter is nice. A big fire is great to keep you warm and share stories. Plus it's so hot in Texas you can only camp in a motorhome or trailer with electricity during the summer.
Super odd, we were going fishing and on a very narrow 200-yard trail with a lot of rocks and stuff in the way. I looked down and saw something shiny, it was a set of keys! Can you believe that? We ... View More
Hopefully they got them. Was it near the water and perhaps they thought they lost them in the water?
This is always my biggest fear when being out away from a city. What happens if you lose keys, get stuck, run out of gas. Hopefully they got their keys back.